ISVG updates
Annual General Convention 2080

Annual General Convention 2080

The second Annual General Convention of the ISVG Nepal was concluded successfully on September 23, 2023, in Nepal Police Health Club, Pradarshani Marga, Kathmandu with positive vibes. The ISVG is active in enhancing leadership and discipline among youngsters, transferring skills from veterans in many fields to youngsters, and promoting our culture and our proud heritage. 

The meeting was Chaired by Ajit Khadka, President of ISVG Nepal. The MC of the event was Vishnu Bar Singh Thapa. The program was initiated by the Chief Guest Bachhu Ram Basnet by lighting the traditional ‘Sukunda’ lamp. The meeting was helped by young ‘Scouts and Guides.’   

Ajit Khadka noted the nature of ISVG Nepal and reported the current status of ISVG Nepal. He summarized the activities conducted in the year 2022-23, future programs for the year 2023-24, and effort in registering in the international forum. Bijayashowry Amatya, Treasurer, reported the financial status, and future plan. Vice-President, Sanu Raja Shilpakar outlined the plan to enhance the quality of social services and learning from experiences.

We are happy to have a number of prominent guests, who expressed their ‘Congratulatory note’, outlined their experiences and expertise, and their observations on the current situations pertaining to their fields. They are happy to see ISVG Nepal as a platform where they can help our youngsters and society.

The prominent guests include Bachhu Ram Basnet, Motivational speaker; Dr. Ram Chandra Singh, Professor, Tribhuvan University; Dr. Sabina Singh Shrestha, Associate Professor, Padma Kanya Campus; Dr. Karma Tamang, Social activist; Bal Mukunda Khadka, Businessman; Badri Karki, Secretary, Leo club; Dr. Tilak Shrestha, Research associate, ISVG USA; Kishore Khadka, Science lecturer; Triza Dhakal, Doctoral candidate, Child cancer.

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